Emotional Marketing and its Last-long Connection between Brands and Customers

Emotional Marketing and its Last-long Connection between Brands and Customers

Emotional marketing is an effective method. Helping brands create long-term relationships with target customers. Besides, there are benefits in terms of brand value and increased sales. In this article, we will learn about emotional marketing and the benefits it brings to brands.

1. What is emotional marketing?

Emotional Marketing focuses on: creating positive and emotional experiences for customers through marketing communication strategies. This is a method of activating customer emotions rather than just focusing on the product or service.

The Goal of Emotional Marketing is to create a deep emotional connection between the brand and the customer. Thereby creating positive interactions, increasing brand awareness and increasing sales.

2. Emotional Marketing Strategies

Here are some emotional marketing strategies that brands often adopt:

2.1. Use emotional images and videos to gain emotional marketing

Images and videos can convey messages faster and more deeply than other forms of media. In this way, images and videos create: emotional experiences and stimulate the customer’s imagination.

2.2. Storytelling in Emotional marketing

Storytelling creates a seamless emotional experience for customers. The story can be about the history and value of the brand, product or service. The purpose is still to convey the message to the customer.

2.3. Direct interaction with customers

In addition to content, brands can create direct interactions with customers. Typical examples can be mentioned as: organizing contests, events, discount programs at the point of sale. Finally, to stimulate an emotional experience for customers.

2.4. Using Music for emotional marketing

Music is a popular marketing trend today. Considered as a strong bridge to create attraction with customers. Currently on the market, brands use music through music videos. Or create special spaces for the customer’s senses.

2.5. Using color psychology in emotional marketing

Color can create different feelings for customers and evoke different emotions. Brands can use color to create an emotional experience for their customers and convey their message.

Taken together, emotional marketing strategies help brands create a positive emotional experience for customers, helping to increase brand awareness and increase sales.

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3. Benefits of Emotional Marketing in Business

3.1. Creating impressions and engagement with customers

Applying emotional marketing helps brands create a deep emotional connection with customers. When customers have a positive experience with a brand, they feel more engaged and loyal to the brand.

3.2. Emotional marketing increases brand awareness

Emotional marketing helps brands differentiate and stand out in the marketplace. When customers have an emotional experience with a brand, they will remember the brand and increase brand awareness.

3.3. Increase sale revenue

When customers have a positive emotional experience with a product or service, they feel satisfied and motivated to repurchase or recommend to others. This helps to increase sales and increase profits for the business.

3.4. Create a separate market with Emotional Marketing

Emotional marketing creates a separate market and reduces competitors. When customers have a positive experience, they tend to search for that brand’s products and services instead of competitors.

In a nutshell, emotional marketing helps businesses create a positive emotional experience for their customers. Thereby increasing awareness and sales and helping to create a distinct market.

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4. Case study of Emotional Marketing


Beverage brand Coca-Cola has used an emotional marketing strategy to connect with its customers. Coca-Cola’s advertising campaigns often focus on emotion and friendship, with the message that Coca-Cola is a drink that helps create memorable moments and connects people.


emotional marketing

Nike is a famous sports brand that uses emotional marketing to connect with its customers. Nike has created many advertising campaigns aimed at stimulating customers’ emotions, with the message that Nike shoes are not just a product, but a way of life.


Emotional Marketing

Technology brand Apple has used emotional marketing to connect with its customers. Apple has focused on creating products with beautiful designs and great features to stimulate customers’ emotions.


McDonald’s is a fast food brand that uses emotional marketing to connect with its customers. McDonald’s has created advertising campaigns aimed at creating positive emotional experiences with the message that their meals help create moments of joy and connection with family and friends.

5. How to apply emotional marketing?

5.1. Create a positive customer experience

This can be done by improving product or service quality, creating customer engagement activities, or offering loyalty rewards.

5.2. Use emotionally connected content

In order to stimulate the emotions of customers, simple forms of content are encouraged. For example: videos, images, social media posts. In addition to generating empathy, brands can gain massive amounts of earned media when users share those posts to their communities.

5.3. Listen to customer reviews

In Vietnam, businesses collect reviews from customers to stimulate their positivity. Then use this review to promote your product or service. Moreover, they can also share success stories from customers.

5.4. Communicating by Social Media

Social media is a great foundation for any emotional marketing campaign. Social media channels make brands always present to customers, even on digital platforms. We call the customer touchpoint maximized.

5.5. Create emotional ad campaigns

Develop emotionally stimulating advertising campaigns to connect with customers. The current trend, touching or funny stories are included to create empathy and connection from customers.


In short, emotional marketing is an indispensable marketing strategy. It creates a lasting connection with consumers. The brand is affirmed and committed to trust with customers. Most importantly, designing a unique and creative emotional marketing strategy should be the driving force for marketers to focus. From there, a committed relationship is formed between the brand and the customer.


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