White Valentine Marketing: Opportunity for revenue growth

What is White Valentine Marketing? How can businesses use this moment to do marketing and drive revenue? Find out in the article below with CleverAds.
1. What is White Valentine Marketing?
White Valentine is a holiday that originated in Japan on March 14, exactly one month after Red Valentine’s Day. This is the day for men to express gratitude to the women who gave them gifts on Valentine’s Day. On White Valentine’s Day, men often give gifts of sweets, such as candy, cookies, or chocolate, to the women in their lives.
The holiday was created as a marketing campaign by confectionery companies in the 1970s, and it has become a widely recognized and celebrated holiday in Japan. White Valentine’s Day gifts are often more elaborate and expensive than those given on Red Valentine’s Day, as they are intended to express a deeper level of appreciation and affection.
White Valentine’s Marketing is an occasion-based advertising campaign and activities of brands to connect with customers on special occasions of the year, specifically here is White Valentine’s Day.
2. How to attract the right male target audience for a White Valentine Marketing campaign
With today’s various tools, it’s easy for brands to take advantage of them to identify and target marketing to their audience easily.
On Valentine’s Day, men are usually the biggest spenders – men spend twice as much on Valentine’s gifts as women. A male-focused White Valentine marketing campaign can be ideal for many brands and marketers. In addition, Valentine’s Day shoppers now tend to be younger. Many of these young customers are using their mobile devices to shop on White Valentine – and many smartphone owners will buy Valentine’s Day gifts via social media and branded sites. E-commerce or use it to research and make purchasing decisions.
So the perfect fit for your Valentine’s Day campaign could be a predominantly young male audience who spends much time online. Keep that in mind when choosing your targeting parameters.
3. Some white valentine marketing strategies to help you increase sales
3.1. Send reminders to customers: Respond to their gift from Red Valentine
Not as popular as Red Valentine’s Day, so brands must constantly remind customers of White Valentine’s Day.
If your products are handmade, remind your customers through email marketing and social media posts to start ordering weeks in advance, so you are better prepared for orders.
You can leverage email marketing to encourage customers to pre-order and countdown to White Valentine’s Day. Consumers often make immediate purchasing decisions when limited in time to receive promotions.
What can brands do?
- Constantly reminding target customers about shopping needs for White Valentine
- Promote White Valentine’s marketing by getting the message across via email marketing and social media marketing
- Limited time to receive customer promotions
3.2. Targeting “last – minute shoppers” – last – minute shoppers
Another factor to take into account is last-minute shoppers. You’ll need to cater to “agnostic” husbands or boyfriends and need urgent orders near the date.
Some brands also send emails reminding customers of this holiday close to the day with promo codes to “save” those who don’t have a plan.
You can also meet this need by offering express delivery or publicizing White Valentine’s order deadlines to ensure on-time delivery. Highlight this information with banners on your website to make it easy for customers to see.
What can brands do?
- Send email reminders with promo codes close to the holidays
- Provide unique express delivery service
- Clear and conspicuous notice of delivery deadlines
4. White valentine marketing ideas your business can apply in 2023
4.1. Create a mini – game/giveaway to increase interaction
There is nothing more attractive than a gift. This is an effective way to increase sales and social media engagement for White Valentine.
Interact with your audience and market your brand with mini-games/give away on social media. Let’s create some game content with unique rewards and attract target customers. Small campaigns like these will help you reach new customers interested in your products and are also a great way to increase engagement with existing customers”.
4.2. Design ready-to-ship gift sets for guys
Understanding the pain point of busy men who will feel very confused in choosing gifts for their women, brands can create premade or custom gift boxes to choose from. Men can easily choose lovely gift boxes without spending too much time thinking.“
4.3. Celebrating all kinds of love
We should celebrate all kinds of love – aside from romantic love, whether it’s love for friends, co-workers, pets, or even self-love.
As a brand, you can link to your niche and connect with your audience. For example, if you sell pet products, you could run a campaign focusing solely on the relationship between pets and their owners.
In addition, you can use Valentine’s Day to show appreciation for the company, thank team members, leaders, and employees, and reflect on the value of your brand and positive company culture.
You can even go a step further and take a bold stance to redefine White Valentine with an anti-Valentine campaign, especially if you sell products to single people. However, in the end, this will depend on the brand value and the product you sell.”
Read more: What is Content Marketing
5. Conclusion
Success in White Valentine’s marketing is determined by your planning and how well you connect with your customers. Be creative with your designs and generous with your promotions. Offer things people love and unique items they never considered Valentine’s Day gifts.
As a brand, your customers show their love for their family, partners, pets, girlfriends, best friends, and co-workers or even make them feel good about being single.
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