Hotel Marketing: Should you apply Digital Marketing? (P1)

Hotel marketing can be applied in many different ways and at other times. A unique hotel marketing strategy is considered the soul of the business, helping businesses retain customers and attract new customers interested in the hotel. In addition, hotel marketing also helps businesses identify the most demanding customers and attract and entice them to use their services. In this article, let’s learn what is Hotel Marketing and whether to use Digital Marketing in Hotel Marketing.
1. What is hotel marketing?
Hotel marketing is the planning of a series of activities that can attract customers and satisfy their needs, thereby increasing revenue for the hotel. In addition, Hotel Marketing also offers strategies to strengthen the business’s brand positioning, helping to spread the business image to more different customer files.
Strategies in Hotel Marketing can be applied in two ways: Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing. Each application method has advantages and disadvantages, but each administrator needs to remember that the hotel industry is gradually approaching the field of digital transformation. New-generation travelers are choosing the easiest way to find information about businesses’ resort spaces.
Besides, when choosing a marketing strategy, managers need to understand and apply the basic elements of Marketing to set goals to target their potential customers and maintain long-term relationships with them.
Just like any segment, hotel marketing has trends that will continue to change in the future. Therefore, managers need to constantly update the latest strategic trends to bring success to the business.
2. Latest Hotel Marketing Trends in 2022
2.1. Focus hotel marketing on Instagram and WhatsApp platforms
Instagram and Whatsapp are gradually becoming part of our daily lives. In it, Instagram, along with all its functions, such as reels, stories, and messaging DMs, acts as a sales machine of the business. Moreover, the platform also stated that they intend to invest more to improve and upgrade its features.
Besides, WhatsApp is also an application used by billions of people globally. In many countries, this free app is used by users to connect with friends and relatives. However, more and more countries are using WhatsApp for work and business activities.
These two platforms can help businesses transform marketing and customer care activities, especially in hotel marketing.
It is undeniable that these tools are attracting more interest and use in the world. Especially when Facebook announced its investment in the Metaverse system and promised exciting developments in the future, managers can consider using these two platforms in their hotel marketing strategy.
2.2. Start using TikTok for your hotel marketing strategy
TikTok is considered a phenomenon in the current trend. It can be seen that this platform used to be used only by GenZ, but recently, TikTok has gradually grown and is popular with all ages. Considered a trending machine, TikTok is slowly becoming one of the top content creation platforms in the world. Except for the hotel marketing industry, TikTok covers all areas of the world.
If the above information is still not convincing enough, pay attention to the views of one of the following videos labelled “travel”.
2.3. Sustainability in Hotel Marketing
Sustainability is considered one of the most important factors for all businesses today. In particular, the hotel industry always tries to balance between bringing satisfaction to customers and balancing the ecosystem most effectively.
Now, Google has also set stricter standards for sustainability, thereby certifying hotels that comply with these standards.
Google’s new filter tool is the best demonstration of the particular concern of visitors about ensuring the environmental friendliness of the products and services they use. If your hotel does not comply with the sustainability regulations in its development strategy, you need to plan and make appropriate adjustments immediately.
Besides, if the hotel has fully met the standards of environmental friendliness, remember to highlight those factors in the marketing campaign of the business. Therefore, sustainability plays an important role in the success of a hotel marketing strategy for businesses.
2.4. Balancing revenue and marketing
In an interview with hospitality industry experts, Revifine identified and outlined several trends in the sector for 2022. According to Tamie Matthews, revenue, sales, and marketing consultant at RevenYou, The future of the hotel depends on a flexible combination of revenue growth and marketing factors, specifically hotel marketing.
2.5. Invest in SEO
In the same interview, Jolien Alferink said that hotel marketing trends for 2022 depend on the widespread use and specialization of SEO tools across social media, blogs, and other sites. Other methods of hotel advertising content. The expert also pointed out that investing in these tools aims to ensure competition with OTAs that have invested a lot in SEO.
3. Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing: Which is more suitable for Hotel Marketing?
There are many different ways to plan your hotel marketing. For example, you can focus on traditional marketing tools or push the digital/digital approach. Or even the administrator can combine the two ways to reach as much public as possible through his hotel marketing strategy.
Electronic (digital) tools will help you improve indicators of the digital presence of products and services on different platforms. This includes the hotel’s website, social media, email marketing and communication campaigns (campaigns), and creating content that helps to unify the brand’s positioning, like colors, logos, etc.
As can be seen, digital marketing tools are associated with using social media (social media). According to data collected by Stratos Jet Charters Inc., about 83% of adults in the US want to use online booking for their trips. This proves that most future travelers are also looking for the most convenient way to book a hotel room for their trip. From these data, the administrator can have the next direction for his hotel marketing activities.
Digital marketing also needs to solve problems such as re-arranging the website to make it easier to access and convenient to navigate. In addition, the website also needs to be optimized for easy access and use on mobile devices.
But hotel marketing is broader than just the digital realm. It could be designed more traditionally.
For example, when your hotel is in low season, managers can focus on traditional tools to drive advertising to local markets instead of trying to attract tourists who need access to the market demand or low demand.
Partnering with local businesses near the accommodation is one of the great traditional marketing options in the hotel marketing strategy. Administrators can use methods such as launching attractive promotions and promoting media events to exchange benefits with partners. This is one of the clever ways to apply traditional tools to hotel marketing, thereby improving business revenue.
4. Should you hire an Agency or use internal departments (In-house team) in Hotel Marketing?
Marketing can be considered one of the vital factors for any business. It is related to all the different activities in the business, especially sales.
When planning a marketing strategy – whether a business hires an external agency or uses an internal team – managers must also determine their long-term goals.
In addition, when implementing marketing strategies, it is necessary to have close supervision from experienced people. Suppose the business does not have a specific supervisory department. In that case, that knows the operational process and is ready to solve any problems arising during the operation – the administrator needs to plan to hire a suitable Marketing Agency.
The above article has given readers basic knowledge about hotel marketing and the tools to approach hotel marketing. Businesses can have many different approaches when doing hotel marketing. However, no matter which method is applied, the administrator also needs to understand the business’s long-term goals to meet the development of the hotel market and satisfy the changing needs. Customers and generate revenue for the company.