B2B MARKETING in the year 2022 has seen a lot of marketing campaigns Successful B2B and a series of major events. This article summarizes the top trends and lessons learned over the past year for the model Marketing B2B.
1. Build a B2B Marketing strategy based on the customer journey to create loyal customers
Gong and Salesloft are two companies that were both awarded the Best Software of the Year 2022 by G2. What makes these two companies so successful is their loyal customers.
Mr. Udi Ledergor – Marketing Director of Gong also shared that this is their number one operating principle when doing B2B Marketing. He also advises businesses to not only create customers but also interact with them to expand their fanbase. From there, this will make things a lot easier for the Sales and Marketing departments.
However, an employment client Being enthusiastic requires a firm understanding of their wants, needs, concerns, and preferences. Ms. Sydney Sloan, formerly Marketing Director at Salesloft, said that representing the voice of the customer and understanding the customer journey is a key role of Marketing.
2. Drive B2B marketing strategy with customer-led insights
From the lesson learned above, we have a question “how do businesses effectively exploit the voice of customers?”
Gilpin, Marketing Manager at Sprout Social believes it is possible to collect insights and add value to your customers simply by listening to in-store conversations and interacting directly with them. These conversations allow marketers to fully understand how the product is being used, its scope, and the difficulties faced by users.
As for Conant, Marketing Manager at 6sense, her team always ensures that sales, wins, and losses are aggregated and shared with the entire company on a monthly basis. This strategy is both economically and statistically relevant and helps to tell the customer story to internal stakeholders.
3. Software purchases are becoming increasingly complex, so software companies should make things easier
In G2’s Software Buyer Behavior Report 2022, an annual survey of more than 1,000 global software decision-makers indicates that the software purchase journey is becoming increasingly complex.
The majority of respondents said the following was true not only of software purchases but that these proportions were higher than last year: decision-makers change frequently (68%), stakeholders are informed of frequent additions (71%), frequently changing project scope (70%), decisions made by consensus (79%).
Combine this complexity with the top three considerations for buyers when purchasing software:
- Easy to do
- ROI (Return On Investment) Potential in Six Months
- Easy to use
This is a clear call for software vendors. They should remove obstacles in the buying journey, making the process as easy as possible (from purchase to implementation) to drive ROI even faster.
4. Build trust by building community
B2B Marketing is facing a “crisis of trust”.
We increasingly distrust marketing and sales messages and prefer to do our own research and listen to the opinions of those we trust: real users.
Sometimes this could be our friends and colleagues, but sometimes it’s reading a social media post or review from someone who has used the product.
One way brands can help build trust is by building communities for their customers to connect. Salesforce’s Trailblazer community is a prime example of this. Customers seek these connections, and brands are well-positioned to create a believable product dialogue.
5. Prove the value of the business by holding a leading position; yet accessible
How to navigate a challenging economy today? Businesses always have an opportunity to stand out and prove their worth, especially at times like these. Businesses should ask themselves the question “How can we be considered an important and must-have product/service?” From there, we determine the marketing value we need to create and have a clear direction for the development of the company.
ZoomInfo CMO Bryan Law shares his favorite book, “How Brands Grow,” along with ideas on how to stay on top and make your business accessible. Intent data plays an increasingly important role in ensuring businesses can reach customers more easily, he said.
6. Effective but focused
Having lived through two previous economic downturns, Carilu Dietrich, CEO and CMO of Reach believes it’s important to define what needs to be done — noting that this is a crucial moment in your life. career for all of us.
To be effective in tough times, Ms. Dietrich suggests focusing on “brand generation.” This, she explains, means using Demand Generation tactics to communicate what your brand stands for, while also using brand tactics to create demand.
For example:
When marketing to freemium clients, marketers should simply talk to people who already use the product, and use the least expensive channels (email, your webinar, etc.) with this company and client file.
The most important thing is to “focus and make the best of what you have.” Companies will come and go and bad economic times will come and go, but people will make it through.
7. Team motivation should always be a top priority
As we hear more and more about working more for less with the wave of layoffs, motivating and motivating the team should still be a top priority here. present and also in the future.
Many people in a company can’t feel motivated when they don’t feel a connection or trust with the people they work with. In G2’s Marketing department, virtual “experiences” are held quarterly and quarterly, and everyone also participates in a monthly virtual chat; There’s no formal programming – just people showing up and connecting.
A few tips and lessons learned to stay motivated:
- Get to know your colleagues as a person (this is for leaders and managers to help facilitate the development of employee relationships where possible)
- Finding creativity in work
- Be clear about what you know and don’t know as a leader
8. Summary
It’s been a year and a lot of lessons have been learned along the way. Let’s continue with CleverAds to learn more and connect with new businesses in 2023!